Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Floor Plan

Looking at the first floor plan. The plan needed to get bigger to accommodate the program. The more I look at the plan, the courtyard isn't working. It seems to make more sense to have a two story atrium space with a skylight or glass above to bring light down into the space. With the nightclub restaurant space at the second floor (maybe more retail too), I have to look at how people circulate through the building at different times of the day. My main concern is that at night, when the retail is closed, people will have to circulate through the space to get up stairs to the second floor where the restaurant and nightclub are.


enno said...


You have good comments on your design!
- Yes, I agree the courtyard does not work, atrium is better.
-Access to upper level at night: could happen just from the upper plaza. It does not need to go through the store.

Why is the stair tucked away in the corner? Could it be part of the atrium space? That would provide a much more "theatrical" setting!

Elevator: integrate in either the atrium of place on facade (elevator would be glass anyway)- another opportunity for an urban theater.

Will there be access to the roof?

You are making good progress!

kschommer said...


I agree with Enno and think that you could combine your open/vertical elements; the atrium and stair. I wrestled with this for a while with my design as well and once I finally combined them it really started to take shape. I think that some quick circulation diagrams going through your spaces, vertical circulation as well, would be a great next step.

Good Job!