Tuesday, February 12, 2008

building section


Frances Grob said...

Good section. What does a section thru the stairs to the east look like? I like the cantilevered roof...it adds some flair to your building. On your next section add a person for scale. Good work, keep it up.

kschommer said...

I agree with Frances on both the cantilevered roof adding flare and getting some people in the next one for scale. I think that your roof could project out even more. I think that if it is going to be a main feature in your design, like it is in the buildings you posted above, go the gusto. I could see it projecting out past the face of the convention center in section. That could be a really great experience to walk under something like that. Something really neat about these buildings above that you could incorporate is the variation in massing of the roof. Right now in section you show it mostly the same thickness except for the tip. Maybe in cross section it waves or gets thinner/thicker in some areas...just an idea!
