Wednesday, February 20, 2008

3-d model and perspectives

Working on the 3-d model (these are in progress). Roofs are quite difficult in sketch up! Looking at the columns that support the roof, they may want to get more slender. The roof really isn't flat at the top, it would slope down, just have to model it better. Looking at the roof, it may want more sculptural qualities to it.


Melissa said...

Hi Nick! I haven't seen your project in awhile. I am curious, is it still the urban theatre? I thought that was a really strong idea and its not coming across in these drawings.

Also, how do you get from one level to the other? is it only accessible inside the building? I think that would hurt you.

hope all is well!

Frances Grob said...


Your model is looking good. I like the second image as it helps to bring scale to your idea.

Keep up the work.